The speed with which we answer a question/ticket depends on the type of question. For the speed we make a distinction between response time and resolution time:

Response time is the time when you get our first answer to your question. Preferably with an immediate solution of course, but in any case you will receive an update (e.g. if another department has to examine your question). Via chat or telephone, we assume that you will receive a first answer during the conversation.
Solution time is the time in which we provide a complete answer to your question.

Below you will find an overview of the times you can expect. These are target times and the days are real working days. The hours are working hours within our opening hours. In 2017 we replied on time in 93% of the cases and in 94% of the cases we solved a ticket on time.

Type of question Priority TargetTime (response time / resolution time)
Financial or administrativeLow 4 hours / 2 days
Support questions, sales questions or cancellations Average 2 hours / 1 day
Complete disruption of shared hosting or partial disruption server hosting High 1 hour / 4 hours
Complete disruption private server Hosting Urgent 15 minutes / 2 hours