If your site is accessible, we recommend that all traffic is routed via HTTPS. Also traffic coming in via HTTP. This is called forcing HTTPS. Everyone will then go to your site via the encrypted HTTPS connection.
You can force HTTPS via admin.savvii.nl.
- Click on domain you want to edit.
- Then go to the 'Overview' tab.
Here you see an overview of all domains that are linked to your site. You can only force HTTPS from aliases. To enable (or disable) click on the three dots behind the domain in question and choose 'Force SSL On' or 'Force SSL Off' . It takes about 10 minutes to process this change on the server.
The forcing process checks if HTTPS is available for your site. If not, the button will not work and you will be notified that you cannot change it. The check is done by checking if the traffic at our site is coming from the server. So you can only force HTTPS on domains that refer to us via the DNS. Do you want to force HTTPS before? Then create a ticket.