This tool is currently not available to the public. To activated it please contact support at

The redirect tool is not usuable on subsites, subdomains or aliasses. It is only applicable to the main domain of a website.
For more complex redirects also contact our support

De redirects with this tool are refreshed every 60 minutes.  

Redirects set by our support in the nginx.conf are not visible in this tool nor the other way arround

Where do I find the tool? 

When the tool is activated you'll find the tool in under the tab Redirets

How to make a redirect or rewrite

 1. RegEx 

Or Regular Expersion is the notation methode for this tool. In the first field you enter the URL slug you wish to redirect.
This RegEx starts with "^" to indicate the webroot.


RegEx Special Signs

Regular Expression has several signs with special meaning. The most commenly used are;

.* = Wildcard Sign, this can be replaced by any one sign or number of signs.

?= This sign makes the previous sign or bracket optional

$ = This ends the expression.

A standaard expression can be made like this to unsure that you always cover a trailing slash.

2. Replacement

This is the URL you wish to redirect too. You have two common forms.

Within the same domain

If I where to redirect to I only fill in the slug. 

To an external domain

If I where to redirect  to then I need to use the complete URL 

3. Flag 

The flag tells the browser what type of redirect it is.

Last = The shortest option wil chosen. A new round wil start with the last found option. This is used for redirects with wildcard like "*"

Break = Comparable to Last however it stops after the shortest option has been chosen.  There is no next round.

Permanent = This is a standard 301 Redirect. It's the most common option.

Redirect = This is a 302 Temporary Redirect. Used for temporary redirects.